In-depth Insight on Analysis of Microbial Identification Data Generated by Genotypic Method


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Using molecular techniques or genotypic methods, such as PCR and Sanger sequencing for microbial identification delivers results that traditional phenotypic methods are not able to provide. Genomic sequencing is a valuable identification tool in forensics and microbial quality control. Genomic sequences are not affected by environmental conditions and enable the identification of known and unknown microorganisms. 


This webinar will explore the analysis of data generated by a genotypic identification method. Additionally, the discussion will provide an understanding of the value of a validated library database and the impact on microbial quality controls, such as environmental monitoring and trend analysis in pharmaceutical manufacturing. The data shown in this webinar will solidify the fact that genotypic microbial identification is the gold standard for taxonomic classification of microorganisms.


Mike Auerbach
American Pharmaceutical Review
Pia Nina Darker
Global Sr. Product Manager
Thermo Fisher Scientific
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