Poster Download: Sartorius 4Cell® CHO Platform CLD Service: Innovation Accelerating DNA to MCB to Generate High-Titer and High-Quality Cell Lines

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In this study, our goal was to implement a high-throughput technology for the single cell cloning step that supports improved clone outgrowth, early prediction of high producers, and fast clone expansion. While developing the 4Cell® CHO CLD Platform, we established an automated single cell cloning method using the CellCelector® platform developed by Automated Lab Solutions; now part of Sartorius. We also implemented a fluorescence-based productivity assay. We combined this with a 96-well scale-down fed-batch approach to evaluate main process characteristics and clone productivity. With this CLD process setup, we were able to improve cell outgrowth, demonstrate early recognition of high-producer clones achieving up to 10 g/L, and reduce the CLD timeline to 9 weeks.

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