Theodore H. Meltzer

Theodore H. Meltzer, Principle of Capitola Consulting Co., is based in Bethesda, Maryland. He is a consultant in filtration and high purity water preparation primarily to the pharmaceutical and semiconductor industries. With over 50 years of experience in membrane separations, Dr. Meltzer holds numerous patents and is the author, coauthor,
or coeditor of 12 books. He has contributed multiple book chapters and published more than 150 professional papers that reflect his research interests in the structure-property relationships in membrane filters, filter systems, and their validation. He is the recipient of 5 book awards and holds several filter related patents. A member of the ACS, the Filtration Society, the ISPE and honorary member of the PDA, Dr. Meltzer received his Ph.D. degree in physical-organic chemistry from the University of Chicago, Illinois. He pursued postdoctoral work in polymer mechanical properties at Princeton University, New Jersey.
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