Whitepaper: VOC Reducing Additives for Masterbatches and Final Polymer Articles

[Article Title]

The reduction of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) in polymers is becoming more important as many automotive producers and OEMs are seeking to meet stringent specifications regarding VOCs in automobile cabins. In addition, “cosmetic organoleptics”, or the aesthetic lack of plastic smell, are becoming more important as polymers continue to replace other materials such as metals and as consumers remain generally wary of polymers in their lives from a health and safety perspective. Herein, synthetic aluminosilicate polymer additives are shown quantitatively to reduce the VOCs/odors resulting from processing and the end-use of polymeric articles. Various gas chromatography experiments are utilized to quantitatively show the chemical species that are captured by this powerful additive, as well as human sniffing testing to qualitatively show the effects on the perceived odor. In addition to size exclusion mechanisms, this synthetic mineral additive derives its specificity from the inherent hydrophilic/hydrophobic nature of the different zeolite crystal lattices.

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