Pharmaceutical Raman Microscopes

Pharmaceutical Raman Microscopes

Discover the Benefits of Raman Spectroscopy in Analyzing Drug Products

Raman spectroscopy is a powerful molecular vibrational spectroscopic technique that can help analyze chemical bonds in drug products. By focusing on the vibrational transitions in molecules, Raman scattering produces different wavelengths that can be used to identify and study rotational, bending, and vibrational forces in a molecule.

One of the major advantages of Raman spectroscopy is its non-destructive and fast nature, making it an ideal tool for both qualitative and quantitative analysis of drug products. With its analytical versatility, Raman spectroscopy can investigate a wide range of samples, including solids, semi-solids, suspensions, and solutions.

If you're looking for a reliable and fast tool to analyze your drug products, consider the benefits of Raman spectroscopy. Its wide-ranging capabilities make it a valuable addition to any product directory.

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access micro-Raman Single-spot Analysis and Mapping Microscope
  • Pharmaceutical Application: Imaging/identification of distribution of components within formulations and drug delivery systems; contaminations and foreign particulates; polymorphism and crystallinity imaging
  • Sample State: Liquid (e. g. emulsions), solid (bulk), gas (e. g. inclusions), large samples and individual sample holders possible
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