A Green Solution for the Dissolution Laboratory

Going “Green” in today’s business climate where maximizing shareholder equity and conserving capital is a top priority can be difficult, especially if the project increases the overall cost of doing business. Unfortunately, when business conditions are difficult many environmentally friendly initiatives and other peripheral programs not deemed critical to the performance of the business are some of the first to be put on hold or abandoned altogether. Fortunately, there are several solutions from analytical instrument suppliers which offer cost and time savings as well as being environmentally friendly. Distek, Inc. offers one such solution for the dissolution lab.

One method of saving money and reducing a company’s carbon footprint is by decreasing the amount of electricity that is consumed by a lab in its day-today operations. When an instrument with equal or superior performance capabilities requires less electricity than other instruments that perform the same function, serious consideration should be given to using the more energy efficient instrument. With USP 1 and USP 2 dissolution testing, a “traditional” water bath based system is used to heat the vessels and the medium contained within them. Now consider if there was a bathless dissolution unit which eliminates the water bath and consumes less than half of the electricity while still offering similar or superior performance to that of a water bath system. The amount of money that can be saved on electricity in a dissolution lab by simply changing the type of dissolution tester used would be substantial.

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